Friday, December 30, 2011

And the madness begins

I planned to begin my 365 days some time back.  I got the blog set up and then came a string of things including devoting the month of November to Nanowrimo.  This month Christmas, a scrapbook for a seriously ill friend and chaotic work.  January 1, 2012 is on it's way and it's time.  I must start.  My intent is to take a photo, edit a photo, create a scrapbook page or journal for a scrapbook each and every day.  I'm not sure if every month is will be photo or scrapbook focused.  Come November, Nanowrimo will take all my focus if I do that again. 

I also like to follow The Artist Way by Julia Cameron.  I try to do my daily 3 pages of Morning Pages, a solo weekly walk (some times a meditative or photo walk) and an artist date a week.  It's possible in order to find a balance I may need to incorporate some of that as my creative moment of the day. 

One more day and off we go.  Anyone else??