Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day 117 Friday April 27, 2012

Poor pitiful me.  I'm having issues with my phone shutting off on it's own, losing it's charge, random odd screen changes (like the wallpaper goes black) and pictures disappearing.  It seems like any time I manage to sit down to work on the blog updates, my home internet is down.  Now I can't find a ton of pictures.  How did I find this?  Earlier I wanted to post an area in Kauai that the road is canopied with trees.  It's quite beautiful and the pictures from Eastern Iowa, for instance, made me think of it.  I wanted a comparison of how similar they are, yet different, and thousands of miles and completely different climates.  And why do I care now?  Because I watched The Descendants and it made me think of the north part of Kauai.  They were filming this movie then.  We ate at the Kilauea Fish Market after seeing the Kilauea lighthouse and locals working on the film crew were there.  All these pictures and I can't find them on the stand alone hard drive with my pictures.  Here is a little something I found when I googled the movie:

If you get a chance, watch the movie.   The first time I got so lost in the locations and "remember that" as well as enjoying the local music, that I didn't really watch the movie.  So I rewatched it.  It's a good movie.  It made me a little "homesick".  This is hard to explain since I didn't grow up there, was nearing 50 before I got to go to Hawaii but there was so much peace, tranquility and just felt I was supposed to be there.  I've only had that sort of "deja vue" a couple other times and later found family ties to the area.  I don't know this time.  I can't explain it but I hope you can drink in a little of the beauty and history by watching this film.

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